Kryth Story summary Creator verticalfish Genre Manga / Seinen / Original Released Mar 4th, 2015 Fans 6 Views 10246 Chapter index Scroll 1.1Added on 4/3/15 Scroll 1.2Added on 4/3/15 Scroll 1.3Added on 4/3/15 Scroll 1.4Added on 4/3/15 Scroll 1.4 Chapter Cover 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70-71 72-73 74 75 76 77 78 79-80 Report this manga Copyright violation This manga belongs to another artist. Spam This work solely promotes an unrelated product or website. Not manga-related The pages have little or nothing to do with manga, comics or drawn art (i.e. photos). Not marked as mature This manga contains mature, explicit content while not being marked as such. Additional details: Your report has been sent. Thank you for your help!