Hey quick question, I'm not a programmer, so I dunno if this is doable, but would it be possible to have the manga viewer automatically scroll to the top of the page whenever you click the next page button?
The way it is now, it will automatically leave the manga viewer at the bottom of the page if you scroll down after reading a page and click for the next page. This makes that the reader have to scroll up manually read from the top down again after every page. I know having to do that for regular sized pages may not be too bad, but for my stupidly-formatted super tall pages, it quickly becomes a hassle and you may end up seeing future panels before you are supposed to.
Just a suggestion, let me know if something like that is feasible.
Oh shucks...
Well, I suspect it's still in the browser cache, can you please empty the cache or try it in a different browser just to be sure?
(I'm fairly certain because I just searched the whole project folder for "1080" and there's no mention of it anymore... then again, nothing's impossible XD )
Thanks so much for your help :D ! Turns out there was another validation hidden deep inside the upload library that I use, which limited uploaded images to 1920 x 1080px...!
For some strange reason, though, it didn't limit the image size when I uploaded them, which made it very difficult for me to find the error...
But anyways, it should work now for you, too (just make sure to refresh your window, in case you had it open) !
With regard to the first point - re-uploading the files isn't making a difference because every time I upload a file (drag and drop an image into the uploader), it automatically downsizes the image to 300 x 1000 before I can do anything. I can tell because the filesize that immediately shows up after upload is only around 200kB, whereas my original's filesize is 450˜kB.
So the uploader is automatically cutting the image size... which is strange. Please advise.
Well, it's pixelated because I don't have the original hi-res image XD !
So yes, I had to take your shrunken image and blow it up, but the point was simply to ensure that you can upload large image files now, if that makes sense.
It's not possibly to scale up images without them looking all pixely, so that's why the original highres-image needs to be uploaded again, unfortunately...
So yes, you need to upload the original large files again ^^. Like I said, there's no way for me to resize the downsized image to their original quality, or else I would have already done so ^^
That's why it would be great if you could reupload the original 900 x 2500px file again (or rather replace the current file).
Also, you're right - if the images are wider than the screen size, they get cut off on the right...
I'll try to think of a better way to solve this, perhaps fit the images to the monitor size.
Thanks for pointing it out!
Hey quick question, I'm not a programmer, so I dunno if this is doable, but would it be possible to have the manga viewer automatically scroll to the top of the page whenever you click the next page button?
The way it is now, it will automatically leave the manga viewer at the bottom of the page if you scroll down after reading a page and click for the next page. This makes that the reader have to scroll up manually read from the top down again after every page. I know having to do that for regular sized pages may not be too bad, but for my stupidly-formatted super tall pages, it quickly becomes a hassle and you may end up seeing future panels before you are supposed to.
Just a suggestion, let me know if something like that is feasible.
Thank sweet baby jeebus...
Just let me say that the pages look SOOO much better now XD
tried it with chrome and its working now. Lemme try again with firefox to see if its just a browser issue.
Thanks for the help!
Oh shucks...
Well, I suspect it's still in the browser cache, can you please empty the cache or try it in a different browser just to be sure?
(I'm fairly certain because I just searched the whole project folder for "1080" and there's no mention of it anymore... then again, nothing's impossible XD )
Refreshed page, tried uploading .It's still limiting my height to 1080 px. Sorry to be a bother.
Thanks so much for your help :D ! Turns out there was another validation hidden deep inside the upload library that I use, which limited uploaded images to 1920 x 1080px...!
For some strange reason, though, it didn't limit the image size when I uploaded them, which made it very difficult for me to find the error...
But anyways, it should work now for you, too (just make sure to refresh your window, in case you had it open) !
sure, no problem. Sending now˜
Very strange... Could I ask you to send me the original high-res image file to admin@mangadojo.com please?
Sorry for all the trouble, but if we manage to resolve this issue as soon as possible that would be excellent ^^
With regard to the first point - re-uploading the files isn't making a difference because every time I upload a file (drag and drop an image into the uploader), it automatically downsizes the image to 300 x 1000 before I can do anything. I can tell because the filesize that immediately shows up after upload is only around 200kB, whereas my original's filesize is 450˜kB.
So the uploader is automatically cutting the image size... which is strange. Please advise.
Well, it's pixelated because I don't have the original hi-res image XD !
So yes, I had to take your shrunken image and blow it up, but the point was simply to ensure that you can upload large image files now, if that makes sense.
It's not possibly to scale up images without them looking all pixely, so that's why the original highres-image needs to be uploaded again, unfortunately...
So yes, you need to upload the original large files again ^^. Like I said, there's no way for me to resize the downsized image to their original quality, or else I would have already done so ^^
That's why it would be great if you could reupload the original 900 x 2500px file again (or rather replace the current file).
Also, you're right - if the images are wider than the screen size, they get cut off on the right...
I'll try to think of a better way to solve this, perhaps fit the images to the monitor size.
Thanks for pointing it out!