The Summer of Aquarius Story summary Mika Fiore receives a unique high school graduation present that is bound to turn her cushy suburban life upside down. Creator CometMelody Genre Manga / Shonen / Released Mar 2nd, 2012 Fans 1 Views 2867 Chapter index Part IAdded on 2/3/12 ArtAdded on 28/4/12 Part I DescriptionMika arrives in Betelwood and attempts to get settled in. Chapter Cover 1 2 Report this manga Copyright violation This manga belongs to another artist. Spam This work solely promotes an unrelated product or website. Not manga-related The pages have little or nothing to do with manga, comics or drawn art (i.e. photos). Not marked as mature This manga contains mature, explicit content while not being marked as such. Additional details: Your report has been sent. Thank you for your help!