By now we should be pretty much done with the character. It’s time to work on the background!
Naturally this is the part that takes the longest, but with the right technique it’s not too hard.
So how are we going to do it? Basically just like we did the skin - in two to three layers.
Therefore we will start with a light umbra to get the basic tone down with a dry brush. It’s a good idea to leave some random highlights.
Now on to the second layer. We’re going to define some bricks on the outsides of the wall and the window. For that, we’ll use a wet brush and add some thick strokes that will resemble the bricks.
Instead of blue, any other color except green and yellow should work, try using different colored bricks for different buildings. You may want to mix your color with a bit of black or umber so that it won't look too lucid and overly saturated.