Feature Overview


Here's a quick look on some of the amazing features that the MangaDojo offers!

Feature Overview
Chapter Cover

A state-of-the-art page viewer with smart page preloading, silky-smooth animations and no page reloads! What more need I say? How about the fact that your reading history is...

Top-notch manga reader

Expect nothing less than full-fledged community features such as comments with epic mood icons, an elegant private messaging page and a profile page with the ability to connect...

Juicy community features

One submission process to rule them all -- add your manga pages, tutorials, artwork and more through the same, quick and easy to use process. Upload many pages at once (they...

Powerful submission process

No need to worry about submitting your pages in a specific order; thanks to a sweet layout creator you can arrange the order of your pages in a matter of seconds via drag &...

Drag & drop layout creator

Knowing your audience is the key to a successful manga -- an insightful reports page makes sure you can do exactly that! Find out precisely when your manga are being read,...

In-depth visitor reports

Write critiques by utilizing the same process you use to add manga -- meaning you can add text, images and even videos to your critiques, which allows for invaluable...

Excellent critique tools

MangaDojo just entered the public beta, so a lot of fantastic features are still being worked on (like the Ryo & Karma system). Want to get new features faster? So do...

A lot more to come!

Report this manga

This manga belongs to another artist.

This work solely promotes an unrelated product or website.

The pages have little or nothing to do with manga, comics or drawn art (i.e. photos).

This manga contains mature, explicit content while not being marked as such.

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