Chapter index
1.Young Commando & Troop Cats Together and Fight!219. Young Human Female Cat Soldier in Distress.
Torihima has becoming a damsel & Distress now Captived by Green Beetle G.mace’s Body guard & New 2nd Right handed man who’s Objective is to Wipeout all Child Soldiers and Pet Animal Soldiers from Getting in Mace’s way of
World Conquest and Domination. Cleo Leaded Kid Soldier & The Allies to South America to Fight Mace’s Army and Green beetle to Save her and Protecting other children and animals from being annihilated. It’s also the first time She Fought Mace’s army Without
Her Military Armor Suit and remained with her Tropical Blue Dress.
Torihima broke herself free from a prison but Powerless and Scarce in green beetle's Hideout trying make a way out of here without her military armor from the empire's base Kid Soldier & comrades are following Cleo to rescue her friend & Stop mace's plans from a dyer demise by Green beetle & his troops that's planning to Slaughter & Keep Torihima as Victim.