The Tale Of Winter
“Jun” is set in the distant future, the year 2978. We follow the battle and life of a young Japanese-Victorian descendant named Jun-Shi-Song, his home that of the great northern Japanese City of Sapporo, located in Hokkaido.
Also with the help of his friends, the Sunflowers.
The young blue haired leader, Lee-Sho. Having spent her life being a botanists daughter. Tall and masterful engineer Tatsuki Miyazaki, his skills immeasurable for his age. The large and silent yet lawful Hisagi "Hi" Kasanabi and their young speechless mechanical wizard, Cho-Mon-Xing.
This was a 66 page one-shot finished in January of 2012. The full content of The Tales of Seasons can be read on its website. [KoniraComics=]
˜ Konira
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